Archive for March, 2012

studying with my favourite smartie

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

With Skype, many things are possible. But not all. Only with God. πŸ™‚

Andrew wants me to show, instead of a photo of us studying together, a photo of us not only not studying together, but of us also not together. In fact, the not-togetherness is such a theme that I’ll show you two separate, not-together photos:

You can refer to this post to see what I’m talking about hehe.


Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Sunday I watched Morning Worship Service, and missed these people:

True love waits. Hahaha. Well, I don’t really mean it that way – but it’s true my heart is so fond of you all!

Sandi’s Baby Shower!

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

Saturday – Showers of blessings! Was enveloped by Sandi’s sweetness, met new people, had a very sweeeeet time, savoured every moment!

happy birthdays

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR CAMILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you were born!!!

We celebrated a birthday here today as well… Happy birthday Stephanie! πŸ™‚ Old friends, new friends. Old friends, young friends. HAHA. Kidding, friends. πŸ™‚

Whensday, Theresday

Saturday, March 10th, 2012

HELLO! This post is gonna be about food and things I am STILL learning…

1. Wednesday I had stirfry at Stephanie’s. She’s not Chinese but she cooks Chinese food WAY better than I do. That reminds of how I’m not particularly Singaporean or Chinese… Singaporeans are chameleons, they can kinda just fit in with whoever from wherever. Nat and I think so. Haha. Here’s food from everywhere! (OK, actually just Lausanne and London… :P)


2. Made dinner last night! SO yummy! Love mushrooms! But today I feel a little sick. Maybe it’s all the butter I’ve been consuming? Need to learn some moderation.



Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

Yesterday I despaired at my pathetic level of French, but later found a renewed sense of hope. It was at the post office where none of people a the counters spoke anglais that I despaired… I got quite frustrated trying to communicate with them. But just an hour later, all was well! I had a French lesson and it was pretty fun recalling all my French (which is super rusty!!!) but yay! πŸ™‚ I took a photo of my school, where I had my lesson. So here it is!


wee kend conclude now!

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

HELLO THERE!!! πŸ™‚ Welcome to this new week! I had the most wonderful weekend with a fabulous companion, one of my favouritest friends NATASCHA!!!

She arrived on Friday (it was a rather eventful morning, with her flight being cancelled, and then all the madness and near-hysteria!!!)!!!! But thank God she arrived safely! We went exploring in Geneva – watched some watches (most expensive-looking museum I’ve ever seen… But pretty unremarkable otherwise, hmm). We walked around, near the lake – wow Geneva is so city-like! And there are watch shops everywhere! City of time! City of peace! Country of water! Ah. ALSO (and this is the best part!): We managed to find Japanese food that was reasonably priced (for Switzerland…)! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ AND IT WAS so YUMMY!

Saturday, another amazing day: Many hours (six?) of walking next to the lake! Highlights: BEAUTIFUL scenery, yummy lunch (we packed cheese and bread and chocolate… haha, so Swiss), stupid photos, and ROCKING OUT!!!

That’s my rock star. We also recorded a music video with the sounds of rocks hitting water. Or plopping. Or skipping lightly. Nah. Not the last. Plop plop plop! We had super YUMMY instant noodles for dinner! How I’d missed instant noodles! πŸ™‚

Sunday, we went to church, and then we had lunch at Ouchy (ooooooosheeeee!) – sorry no pics but here’s a photo of what Ouchy looks like. Heh. I hope it doesn’t hurt you.

We had a good time eating junk and playing hidden object games (Nat is SUPER good at this… I had so much fun losing at every single “Let’s see how many we can spot” challenge). Dish I Miss(h): JAPCHAE! That’s what we had for dinner! So happpppyyyyyy that now I know how to make it! Vegetarian too!

OK Monday: This morning was a little bit sad because Nat left in the morning, and I had to go to school. I’m so thankful, though, for the time we could spend together! It was really lovely and I feel very blessed to have such a friend! She brought so much stuff for me, and SO MUCH HAPPINESSSSSSSS too! HEHE. πŸ™‚

Have a wonderful week, friends!!!


Friday, March 2nd, 2012

The last three days were FILLED with important life lessons and experiences!

On Tuesday I went on a day trip – by myself!

Switzerland is so beautiful! I took a train to Veytaux-Chillon… or at least I thought I was taking a train there. But I wasn’t. It was to Villeneuve (HAHA I just love throwing out all these foreign French names). So the train kinda like terminated at the station and I just got off feeling kinda lost and stupid. But not for long because where I was it was like this little town from the past (though I think Villeneuve sounds like it means New Village. Old name, then.) and everything was so so so lovely. And it was JUST by the lake… (Actually the whole train ride we were sliding along the lake. Hehe.) So everything was beautiful! Oh my. And there were mountains! Mountains!

(Love the tree thing in the middle of nowhere!)

So anyway, thank God for GPS and Internet connection! πŸ™‚ I found out that Villeneuve was (and is) only two minutes away from Veytaux-Chillon and hopped on (alright, I’m not a bunny, it was more like… trundled? I dunno.) the train, and TADAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! I explored ChΓ’teau de Chillon!!!!! It was so fun I love exploring castles especially if there are like a million rooms for weird things (a lot of them were prisons and stuff, or maybe that’s just what I remember.) so here are some photos…

Look! People from the past! (With present technology!)

Anyway it was a really AWESOME trip out and I thank God so so so very much that I have pretty places to explore and that I have the time to do it, and that I’m learning good lessons (like being more careful with reading train timetables, always carrying around change, being unanxious and COOL… <– still needs work, haha) but I'm so thankful… And it's also really comforting to know that God is with me on every piece of land I step on!!!

Yesterday, I learnt new things as well. DID YOU KNOW that when you cook rice sometimes you get this filmy thing that comes up against the side of your pot? I didn't, and thought my pot was spoilt, and went to check the instruction manual… AND went to google 'filmy plastic rice pot'. So glad I found someone asking the same question online, and it turns out it is HARMLESS RICE PAPER!!!!! It's even edible! Wow. Amazing. Check out the first ever pot of rice I cooked myself. (Yeah, my new friends are amazed – "You're Asian, how can you not have cooked rice?!")

Today, Andrew was nagging me about a few things. Well, just two, really, and I wanna remember them so Andrew please remember what you reminded me about today (1. Blog! 2. Being careful!) or you can just keep nagging. Haha. Psalm 119 – How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word! Take heed, Sarah! So those were my thoughts as I was walking home (hah, I missed my stop and had a very pleasant walk back. I LOVE walking here. LOVE. It’s like outdoor air-conditioning, you know?)

I also had a fabulous night, with the girl next door (literally), Rachel my flatmate (flatmate? room-mate? apartment-sharer? ah… you know what I mean), Stephanie and Alizeh from one of the apartments we can see right into all the time. Haha. We had CHOCOLAT NIGHT – watched CHOCOLAT with SUPER AWESOME HOT CHOCOLATE WITH CHILLI (OH MY GOODNESSSSSSSSSSS… Regular powdered hot chocolate will never do after this…) and we used my Smile Shutter to take some photos! Cheeeeeeeeeese! (Well, chocolate, actually.)

(L-R: Alizeh, Rachel, Stephanie, me!) πŸ™‚ Lovely girls! Lovely night! Ah, and tomorrow is gonna be ANOTHER lovely day because my dear friend Natascha is coming down from London!!! SEE YOU SOON NATASCHA!!!

Thank You, God! For such an AMAZING time so far! πŸ™‚ I want to trust You more for things to come as well.