So Much Love!

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Thursday: God’s special surprises! πŸ™‚ Bumped into Rachel (from church) at the supermarket… Made new friends at the picnic by the lake, and had a nice relaxxxxxxing time with Rachel (flatmate) and Anna at home! Woo

Friday: More love – Dinner at Megan’s with multi-lingual communication, heheh. Pardon the bad photo! Best part of the day was having a looooong, meaningful conversation with Xinxin and Min Ju. πŸ™‚

Saturday: Xin Xin came over for lunch!

Sunday: Sunny Sunday… Beautiful morning out, and at church! Lunch at the Singaporean-Malaysian restaurant with Daniel, Marcus, and Xin Xin! YUUUUUM.

I’m not going to say very much cos I have to get back to work… See you soon! πŸ™‚

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