Archive for January, 2012

my heart is home / my home is heart too fine

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Even though quite a lot of time was spent being out today, I didn’t really take photos of the outdoors – it was raining… or dripping – but I got really excited about children’s books (though I didn’t buy any), and I saw this super cute book that reminded me of a very very Special & Strange Girl, who’s out of this Litohsphere! 🙂

would it rain if you poked a cloud?

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Answer: I don’t know, but I don’t think anyone tried today! Went out with Andrew and it didn’t rain! 🙂 We walked around and looked at street art. (We are quite hopeless with maps.)



Don’t ask where I went

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Today I got a surprise call from a dear friend! 🙂 I really hope she won’t mind me putting her picture up here… It was a real treat to talk to you again, Ollie! Get well soon! I hope to talk to Grace soon too!

Other stuff: We had Tomushto Pasta… Delightful! (Also: We need a less yucky synonym for shiok!!!) And also a few cups of tea. I down tea every day up here it seems…

Bright and hopeful

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

Interesting how sometimes I think of my day in terms of the meals I had. Veggie breakfast (with chewy veggy sausagys), pizza at Union Jacks, instant noodles with egg and kimchi! My three meals (yeah steph if you think my face is round maybe it’s because of my square meals). What about soul food? Today I read all over the Bible about hope! It seems to be mentioned frequently with perseverance. I guess because it’s something so out of this world, it can’t be derived from pleasant situations in life. Or panicky ones. Or petrifying ones… Persevere! Severely need to! But we can have hope because God is the God of hope! (and He’s the God of you and meeee) 🙂


God of us all indeed 🙂 thankful for my wonderful friend, Natascha 🙂

Legally T

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Things I did today:
1. Attended a lecture on theism and atheism – Plato!
2. Had Japanese food with different rice!
3. Spent way too much time at Fortnum and Mason looking at games!
4. Had (earl)greyt tea (but not awssam) at The Wolseley! With Shun, Blackberry 🙂
5. Watched Legally Blonde!!!!!!!!!! Looooved it (we had front row seats!)


Beautiful Day with Beautiful Friend

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Today I went to church! It was nothing like Bethany (of course, and I didn’t expect it to be) – but I’m glad to still be able to worship the Lord with not-too-unfamiliar songs and to listen to the Word preached! I was soooooo delighted to be able to meet up with Rachel again after not seeing her for more than three months! We had lunch (CREPES! Yummmm), she showed me around her school, and we watched Bethany’s Morning Worship Service in her room! 🙂 Thanks Rachel for having me over! Looking forward (already? already!) to seeing you next week!

 (Superrrrr cute!)

Oh yeah I realise I’ve been showing you lots of photos with HUMANS. How about one without? Though its name refers to a human being.

Queen’s Tower, Imperial College!

OK!!!! That’s all for today! That’s a LOT for today don’t you think! BYE!

S Hopping

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Hung out with Nat and her dad today! We had really spicy Asian food (Malaysian for lunch and steamboat at night!) we were crying (tears of joy)!!! 🙂

Oh no I don’t have a nice photo on my phone that Encapsulates my day. Um. How about an entertaining one.


Naturally hysterical

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

Snogged Nat, went to the natural history museum (saw a hoopoe!!! Stuffed one but still), met Chu Ting, added some spice into dinner with Nat… Another super day here! It was so cold but our hearts were warm… Alright. A little tired now so just a cute picture I couldn’t get out of my mind today…

Happy YPG tomorrow to those in Singapore!!!

Walk walk walk walk in the light!!!

Friday, January 13th, 2012

Nat and I went for a really long walk today! We walked till it turned dark! (Though I suppose it doesn’t take very long for the sky to turn dark here…) My knowledgeable tour guide told me lots of stories of prostitutes and people hanging from bridges… And fun facts! Like how all tea is from the same plant. And tea is from China (not India). And so is ‘tea’. 😀 we drew maps when we got home too! Will post tmr! Today you’ll see…


This reminds me of Lisa Congdon’s birch trees! (or are they beech trees… Argh. Almost-homophonousness!!!)

Oh and this one, to match my blog title and as a reminder to Wear A Cap because it will be Cold tomorrow!!!


Seeeee youuuuu sooooon!!!

Looking out for Monopoly property

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

Hello from London!!!!! :))) It has been a completely enjoyable day and I’m so thankful for Andrew, who took care of me all the way, all today! 🙂 Also for sweet, sociable & sensitive Natascha who is right next to me now!!! We went for a walk around London and then Bible Study later! 🙂 thank You, Father, for all wonderful things come from You!
