Give Me Some FaceTime!

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Sometimes I just love technology! I love being able to talk to people who are dear to me on FaceTime! 🙂 Just had a nice chat with Pastor Mitch and I felt like I was back home in Bethany! So delightful!

I do so love meaningful conversations, and I’m sure you enjoy reading meaningful blog posts, but I kind of have to go and sleep now.

Just need to record some things:

1. Watched Phantom today! And I also promised Hwee a Phantomime. Just found a way out of singing. It’s a MIME! HAHA!
2. Had SUCH a looooooovely, sparkling-like-stars-that-are-not-switched-off conversation with Nat over HK DINNER (where the service was FANTASTIC, and they thought we were Thai. Do Thais eat a lot of seafood?) – we talked about accents, family trees, careers, angry faces, mothers, stillborn babies, Jesus’ disciples, God’s sovereignty… HMM…

Pardonnez-moi, the only photos I took were with my eyes, and stored with my brain’s more-than-8-gb memory space! See if I can find a replication of at least one thing I saw today… tomorrow! See you!!! GOTTA GO!

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