she stoops (and spits) to conquer

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

That’s what Nat and I watched today! Though the words in parentheses are not supposed to be there… Duh. It’s the play we studied for our Literature A Levels – and it was much funnier than either of us expected… And pretty cute too. You know how in the past people used to put like ‘– Place’ or ‘– Road’ to indicate some address? Well I LOVED how it was actually articulated today in the play! “Anthony Lumpkin Esquire of Blank Place” HEEHEE. OK perhaps it’s done this way all the time but it still made me giggle anyway. Trivialities asideeee… It was really a very entertaining play and we got such good seats! I’m sorry for talking about something that most people wouldn’t watch anyway BUT what you can do is read the play if you’re interested! It can be found online (for free! No copyright too!) 🙂

Other highlights of the day:

1. Had ROASTED GREEN TEA ICE CREAM WHICH IS ROOOOO….EALLY (is there an accent that says really like roilly?) GOOD!!!!! It tasted like it was emanating smoking glowing or something in my mouth! Loved it so much we got TWO! Also had pleasant surprise and saw a lovely friend! 🙂

2. Bought the Matilda soundtrack… HEHE. This may be the first CD I’ve bought this… decade? I hope it’s worth it!!!

Here’s my ice cream… Wish you could be here to enjoy it like I did!

Wooden it be nice? 🙂

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