Goodies, noodles, God’s goodness!

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Checked out the Italian cafe opposite the house! We were standing outside in the windy cold, contemplating the items on the menu when a bright HELLO! swooshed us in. We had a very pleasant experience! Tastebuddies were sufficiently happy too!

Here’s today’s dinner:


Also, I went shopping today! It was really fun having to make up my mind about so many things… Ha ha! I am still quite ambivalent toward shopping though- can’t quite get over my discomfort at shopping but I love actually getting nice stuff! Though… When I got home I read a bit of Kept for the Master’s Use (by Frances R. Havergal) and in the chapter on giving our silver and gold to the Lord she talks about shopping as to the Lord! What a way to see it- we can spend on ourselves – for Him! Hmm!

One comment on “Goodies, noodles, God’s goodness!

  1. Toffee says:

    Hmmm, bright hellos usually make them lose my patronage. Unless I had planned to eat there in the first place.

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