Monday, Tuesday, Chusday

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Hello!!! Today I walked 2 miles to visit Chu Ting! I love this city you can walk everywhere!!! Though I must admit my body ached a little bit after… Hehe. She cooked me lunch (I’ve been extremely well-fed here, and not fed-up!) πŸ™‚ we had a nice time watching videos.

Went home and guess what!!! Nat cooked us dinner (I chopped garlic… Useful eh.) and we watched videos. Notice a pattern? That’s right, you’re a genius! Haha. πŸ˜€ I’m just so thankful and happy today, for friends and love… It’s not all that common… At all. Special blessings from my heavenly Father! πŸ™‚


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