
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Most exciting thing that happened today: We woke up at 5 am so that we could queue up for cheap £5 Matilda tickets. So when nobody was awake (well, actually, almost all my friends were awake, yay GMT+8!) we were tumbling out of bed, showering blindly, drying our hair… And then Nat checked her phone… On the website: Monday – NO SHOW. NO SHOW!!!!!!! Most anti-climactic morning ever.

Other things that happened: Went for a lecture on Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy on GOD – His existence and essence. Quite discombobulating actually, but also very fun. Nat and I explored forgotten spaces (exhibition on plans to improve forgotten spaces!) at Somerset House. My favourite was this one called (IN)SPIRES where abandoned church spire spaces are rented out to artists, so that across the city there’ll be a network of artists… inspired in spires!


We are going to sleep soon, so we can queue up tomorrow morning!

One comment on “matildidn’t…

  1. Toffee says:

    No like thingy here, But I like the STREET PIC. Even ‘Forgotten Space’ looks nice.

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