Archive for January, 2012

Give Me Some FaceTime!

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Sometimes I just love technology! I love being able to talk to people who are dear to me on FaceTime! 🙂 Just had a nice chat with Pastor Mitch and I felt like I was back home in Bethany! So delightful!

I do so love meaningful conversations, and I’m sure you enjoy reading meaningful blog posts, but I kind of have to go and sleep now.

Just need to record some things:

1. Watched Phantom today! And I also promised Hwee a Phantomime. Just found a way out of singing. It’s a MIME! HAHA!
2. Had SUCH a looooooovely, sparkling-like-stars-that-are-not-switched-off conversation with Nat over HK DINNER (where the service was FANTASTIC, and they thought we were Thai. Do Thais eat a lot of seafood?) – we talked about accents, family trees, careers, angry faces, mothers, stillborn babies, Jesus’ disciples, God’s sovereignty… HMM…

Pardonnez-moi, the only photos I took were with my eyes, and stored with my brain’s more-than-8-gb memory space! See if I can find a replication of at least one thing I saw today… tomorrow! See you!!! GOTTA GO!


Monday, January 30th, 2012

Today’s picture says a thousand words, and more!

Love love love love love living with Nat!!! (and hanging with her, though this is words with friends, not hanging with friends…) Even if she does keep threatening to Accommodate me in her Garden… We have such great times getting headaches together. And getting in each other’s hare! (Let’s not be hopping mad… We’re hoping rad!)

Today was also catching up with people in Singapore day. Got to talk to my broun-haired bright-faced sister, and have a Meaningful conversation on whatsapp (wow, the name just kills it) with Cammy!!! Aww… Love love. 🙂 OK bye bye guys!

she stoops (and spits) to conquer

Sunday, January 29th, 2012

That’s what Nat and I watched today! Though the words in parentheses are not supposed to be there… Duh. It’s the play we studied for our Literature A Levels – and it was much funnier than either of us expected… And pretty cute too. You know how in the past people used to put like ‘– Place’ or ‘– Road’ to indicate some address? Well I LOVED how it was actually articulated today in the play! “Anthony Lumpkin Esquire of Blank Place” HEEHEE. OK perhaps it’s done this way all the time but it still made me giggle anyway. Trivialities asideeee… It was really a very entertaining play and we got such good seats! I’m sorry for talking about something that most people wouldn’t watch anyway BUT what you can do is read the play if you’re interested! It can be found online (for free! No copyright too!) 🙂

Other highlights of the day:

1. Had ROASTED GREEN TEA ICE CREAM WHICH IS ROOOOO….EALLY (is there an accent that says really like roilly?) GOOD!!!!! It tasted like it was emanating smoking glowing or something in my mouth! Loved it so much we got TWO! Also had pleasant surprise and saw a lovely friend! 🙂

2. Bought the Matilda soundtrack… HEHE. This may be the first CD I’ve bought this… decade? I hope it’s worth it!!!

Here’s my ice cream… Wish you could be here to enjoy it like I did!

Wooden it be nice? 🙂

Goodies, noodles, God’s goodness!

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Checked out the Italian cafe opposite the house! We were standing outside in the windy cold, contemplating the items on the menu when a bright HELLO! swooshed us in. We had a very pleasant experience! Tastebuddies were sufficiently happy too!

Here’s today’s dinner:


Also, I went shopping today! It was really fun having to make up my mind about so many things… Ha ha! I am still quite ambivalent toward shopping though- can’t quite get over my discomfort at shopping but I love actually getting nice stuff! Though… When I got home I read a bit of Kept for the Master’s Use (by Frances R. Havergal) and in the chapter on giving our silver and gold to the Lord she talks about shopping as to the Lord! What a way to see it- we can spend on ourselves – for Him! Hmm!

my favourite ship – the friend kind

Friday, January 27th, 2012

talking fo(u)r hours and losing track of time… 🙂

Monday, Tuesday, Chusday

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Hello!!! Today I walked 2 miles to visit Chu Ting! I love this city you can walk everywhere!!! Though I must admit my body ached a little bit after… Hehe. She cooked me lunch (I’ve been extremely well-fed here, and not fed-up!) 🙂 we had a nice time watching videos.

Went home and guess what!!! Nat cooked us dinner (I chopped garlic… Useful eh.) and we watched videos. Notice a pattern? That’s right, you’re a genius! Haha. 😀 I’m just so thankful and happy today, for friends and love… It’s not all that common… At all. Special blessings from my heavenly Father! 🙂


sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty!

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Matilda was worth the 3.5 hour wait in the cold (we were the first in the queue!)!!!

We went to visit the queen after that as well… Lovely lovely walk! Wonderful day, wonderful… yay 🙂 (Post more tomorrow! Sleepy time!)




Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

Most exciting thing that happened today: We woke up at 5 am so that we could queue up for cheap £5 Matilda tickets. So when nobody was awake (well, actually, almost all my friends were awake, yay GMT+8!) we were tumbling out of bed, showering blindly, drying our hair… And then Nat checked her phone… On the website: Monday – NO SHOW. NO SHOW!!!!!!! Most anti-climactic morning ever.

Other things that happened: Went for a lecture on Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy on GOD – His existence and essence. Quite discombobulating actually, but also very fun. Nat and I explored forgotten spaces (exhibition on plans to improve forgotten spaces!) at Somerset House. My favourite was this one called (IN)SPIRES where abandoned church spire spaces are rented out to artists, so that across the city there’ll be a network of artists… inspired in spires!


We are going to sleep soon, so we can queue up tomorrow morning!

The Breakfast Club

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Had lunch with Rachel and Nat at the Breakfast Club!!! Oh my what amazing breakfast food they serve there! Pictures coming up tomorrow! OK this blog needs some updating- will add pictures to posts, and edit! I know that’s cheating a bit but never mind, it’s time to go sleeping- we need to wake up to queue for cheap tickets tomorrow! It’s the life!!!!! (oh forgot to say, Nat made the super chewy Korean noodles for dinner!!!!!! Yum.)

Oh before we go, let’s have a look inside!

(check out the queue!)

Elephant & Cheese

Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Had such a MARVELLOUS day out! 🙂 the weather was lovely! (it was not whether?-weather.) Nat and I walked practically EVERYWHERE! We also ate a lot of cheese. Other things we did include ‘shopping’ (what practical shoppers we are!), doing touristy things, crossing the tower bridge, taking touristy photos, going on a real tour, walking, walking, walking… Also met Chu Ting!!!! Laughed a looooooooooottt the cold does make people hysterical (and London historical!) 🙂 I took lots of photos but I’ll upload them tomorrow so… Look forward in anticipation! (hope) 🙂


(title references elephant and castle, next stop on the tube! And the elephant at tower hill, and the cheese sandwich, cheese in ALL OUR DISHES AT DINNER!!!!!!!) :)))