l, v, o, e, love letters

Monday, March 29th, 2010

linguistic analysis – singlish: it’s singular! i love it! in particular the particles. ooh la la! la la la!!!

VVoodleigh: do cleaners clean the station? i find it so strange that thousands of people pass it by everyday, some even look at it and try to spot a shadow of a ghost of a person…. or something! but nobody ever passes through its gates. (reminds me of willy wonka’s factory! willy woodleigh!) it is sad and surreal and strange! each time i see it i want to disappear out of the train and onto a marble bench.

octopi: i ate mocktopus today, for the very first time! have you ever seen one? it’s so funny and cute! and also, God makes better octopi! haha. (if i had a takoyaki store i would call it octopie) and lunch with jayne = yay(ne)! 😀

easter: don’t let it go to west.

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