2 L1LY…

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

because the sky (Sc(/k)andinavian!!! oh also: i think i like this word because it has nd in it! and navy, which reminds me of sailors, and bold & brave colors like blue and brown, and also the sk sound is quite skrumptious… yum!) looks heavy, and grey. it’s about to drop (or would you rather i say fall?)!

because we can feel that flying is upside down falling, but i hope it’s a lot more. what about floating? is swimming flying in liquid?

because even my grandma says that it’s not the same without my mama at home… lately it’s too quiet!!! and it’s only been two days… which reminds me of the first time my mom ever went on a holiday without us. it was great fun – popo slept with three of us in what is now my sister’s room! i remember how she tried to put us all to sleep… very funny (and not very effective) i must say… “one… two… three… -snort-!!!!” oh oh and also how when we were in kindergarten we’d stand at the balcony and cry very tragically as we watched our mom leave for a few hours of work… and then go back to sleep.

so… cam (who is also very bored) and i have come up with some fontalities!!! (like, nationalities?) like THE AKBARIAN (the young at heart, and young at handwriting / penmanship too), THE GARAMONDISH (the eaten / edacious? people), THE TIMES NEW ROMAN (no modification needed (ro)man!), THE CALIBRIATE (a very scientific and precise people… obviously more like cam than me)…

that was a nice exercise in relaxation.

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