Archive for March, 2010

ecret between s & s

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

i’d dance if it were all dark – too bad we missed earth hour!!! but my lights are Not On Right Now… do people in offices switch their lights on in the day? i know when i worked i had to switch the lights on every morning, but that’s cos we were in this little corner, without windows facing outside… if we were plants we wouldn’t be able to photosynthesise… so, why am i still so green?

which reminds me of skittles… yesterday jayne and i were playing close your eyes and guess the colour of the skittles!!! it’s so much easier to guess-the-colour-on-your-tongue with them than with smarties! i guess the smarties are too smart, and skittles too… skittly – they secret their scents, it’s just not sensible (but all too sense-able)!

who is the second s in the title? i don’t know, but i suppose it could be second like second helpings sloppy firsts this doesn’t make sense at all, does it? or it could be steph, only steph doesn’t read this. i wish i wrote about more important things, i get really frustrated when i don’t know historical and important things my brain just doesn’t absorb precise, accurate FACTS well, i can only remember things vaguely and hazily (yes, see even “thing” is vague!)… or if they’re put simply, or sans numbers, i don’t like remembering numbers. time-tables, lcm of 15 (hahaha!!), or the music of the prime, 83. seconds minutes (i dreamt about these, minute by minute minutes) owls (treasure hunts that people spend mon(ey)ths and ears on, la chouette!) daze weaks,

i’m going to do what is required of me TODAY and make my life COUNT (even if i hate counting), goodbye! (what you say when you get $tuff at $ale$)

l, v, o, e, love letters

Monday, March 29th, 2010

linguistic analysis – singlish: it’s singular! i love it! in particular the particles. ooh la la! la la la!!!

VVoodleigh: do cleaners clean the station? i find it so strange that thousands of people pass it by everyday, some even look at it and try to spot a shadow of a ghost of a person…. or something! but nobody ever passes through its gates. (reminds me of willy wonka’s factory! willy woodleigh!) it is sad and surreal and strange! each time i see it i want to disappear out of the train and onto a marble bench.

octopi: i ate mocktopus today, for the very first time! have you ever seen one? it’s so funny and cute! and also, God makes better octopi! haha. (if i had a takoyaki store i would call it octopie) and lunch with jayne = yay(ne)! 😀

easter: don’t let it go to west.

2 L1LY…

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

because the sky (Sc(/k)andinavian!!! oh also: i think i like this word because it has nd in it! and navy, which reminds me of sailors, and bold & brave colors like blue and brown, and also the sk sound is quite skrumptious… yum!) looks heavy, and grey. it’s about to drop (or would you rather i say fall?)!

because we can feel that flying is upside down falling, but i hope it’s a lot more. what about floating? is swimming flying in liquid?

because even my grandma says that it’s not the same without my mama at home… lately it’s too quiet!!! and it’s only been two days… which reminds me of the first time my mom ever went on a holiday without us. it was great fun – popo slept with three of us in what is now my sister’s room! i remember how she tried to put us all to sleep… very funny (and not very effective) i must say… “one… two… three… -snort-!!!!” oh oh and also how when we were in kindergarten we’d stand at the balcony and cry very tragically as we watched our mom leave for a few hours of work… and then go back to sleep.

so… cam (who is also very bored) and i have come up with some fontalities!!! (like, nationalities?) like THE AKBARIAN (the young at heart, and young at handwriting / penmanship too), THE GARAMONDISH (the eaten / edacious? people), THE TIMES NEW ROMAN (no modification needed (ro)man!), THE CALIBRIATE (a very scientific and precise people… obviously more like cam than me)…

that was a nice exercise in relaxation.


Friday, March 12th, 2010

question mark (or matthew, or luke, or john)


Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

i have a wallet with a story about freezing feet, a doctor, an impatient patient, and a horse-drawn carriage on its inside (and on the outside, i guess, but it’s less coherent outside) and it’s written by this less than 2 digits year old girl… i like this line… “she was a little bit crazy. but not a lot.” cute!